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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Understanding the Side Effects of Cancer Treatment

Fear about side effects from cancer treatment adds to the stress of a cancer diagnosis. This fear comes from a belief that the discomfort of side effects cannot be relieved. That is not true. Many advances have been made in preventing or managing the most common treatment related side effects. Managing side effects is important because if you feel better, you are more likely to complete your treatment as planned by your oncologist, and treatment is most effective when it is carried out as planned. Learning the facts about side effects can help you cope better with them.

Side effects differ in many ways

The side effects of cancer treatment differ in many ways. First, not all people will have the same side effects. A friend or relative may have had a certain side effect after treatment, but that does not mean you will experience the same side effect. Whether or not you experience a side effect depends on many factors including your age, your overall health, your specific cancer, and your specific treatment plan.

Side effects vary in how serious they are. Some cause minor inconvenience or discomfort, and others may cause more discomfort, pain, and/or emotional distress. Occasionally, a serious side effect may require immediate medical attention. It is important to know that there are ways to relieve the discomfort of most treatment-related side effects and to prevent them from becoming severe. It is also important to know when you should call your doctor about symptoms related to side effects.

Side effects also differ according to when they occur. Those that occur during treatment are called short-term effects usually disappear Once treatment ends. In contrast, Long-term side effects may not completely disappear until months or years after treatment has ended. The last category of side effects is late effects. Which occur less frequently than short term or long-term effects. Late effects do not occur during treatment rather they occur at least 6 months after treatment has been completed.

The most important way in which side effects differ is according to the type of cancer treatment; that is , surgery , radiation therapy , chemotherapy , hormone therapy, or targeted therapy. Many people with cancer receive a combination of treatments, which may increase the possibility of side effects.

Types of Cancer treatment and their side effects.

Sometimes there is one best treatment for a cancer, and other times there is more than one option for treatment. Your Oncologist will talk to you about side effects by asking your oncologist some specific questions when discussing treatment options.

            Questions to Ask your doctor when discussing treatment options.
·       What are the possible side effects of each of my treatment options?
·       How common are these side effects?
·       When are these side effects most likely to occur?
·       How do the benefits of the recommended cancer treatment compare with the risks?
·       How long will the side effects probably last?
·       Is there a way to decrease the possibility that these side effects will occur?
·       Are there medications available to relieve or prevent these side effects?
·       How long will I be monitored for long term side effects such as heart problem?
·       When should I contact a member of my health care team about a side effects ? who should I call ?


When possible, surgery is done to remove a cancerous tumor, and lymph nodes in the area of the tumor, and lymph nodes in the area of the tumor are also usually removed( to see if cancer has spread to the nodes ) , The side effects of surgery may be short-term and vary according to the area of the body where the surgery was done

Short term Side effects: I Limited Mobility and / or activates, Slow Digestion
Long terms side effects: Scars, Impaired wound Healing, Chronic Pain, Change in Function, And Negative Body Image.
Late Effects: Lymphedema / Phantom sensation

Radiation therapy

With radiation therapy, beams of radiation are delivered from a machine to the part of the body where the tumor is located. The radiation shrinks the tumor by destroying cancer cells. Much care is taken to make sure that the radiation is delivered precisely to the tumor so as to avoid damaging nearby normal cells in the path way to the tumor may be affected.

Because radiation is delivered through the outside of the body, the skin and underlying tissues in the area being treated may become sensitive. This sensitivity is short-term and usually gradually resolves within 2 months after treatment has been completed. There may be short-term or long-term swelling or scarring of the tissues in the area; scarred tissues may become firm or contracted. Other side effects vary according to the part of the body being treated and may be short-term or long-term or may occur late after treatment

Short term side effects:
Skin sensitivity (Redness, Dryness, Peeling, Itchiness, Fatigue, Anemia )
Hair Loss (in the area of the body being treated.
Nausea and Vomiting (if abdomen is radiated)
Headache (if head is radiated)

Long term side effects:
Dry mouth
Loss of or changes in taste.

Late Effects
Problems with thinking, memory ( if brain is radiated )
Loss of motion in joints ( if limb or joint is radiated )
Infertility ( if abdomen is radiated )
Cavities and tooth decay (if head is radiated )


Chemotherapy involves the use of very strong drugs that kill cancer cells through out the body. These drugs can also damage normal healthy cells, which may cause side effects, The normal cells most often affected are the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow, hair follicles and cells lining the inside of the mouth and digestive tract. Many side effects of chemotherapy are short-term, Problems with thinking, remembering and understanding, known as “ chemo-brain”. May be long-term effects. Some chemotherapy drugs have also been associated with late effects.

Short term side effects
Nausea and vomiting
Hair Loss
Neutropenia (which increases risk of infection)
Changes in appetite
Mouth sores
Skin and nail changes.

Long term Side effects

Menopausal symptoms
Nerve problems (Know as peripheral neuropathy)
Chemo-brain (forgetfulness or trouble concentrating)
Heart Problems (Cardiomyopathy)

Late Effects
Heart Failures
Abnormal liver function

Hormone therapy

Hormone therapy is sometimes used to slow or stop the growth of prostate cancer in men and to prevent the recurrence of some types of breast cancer in women. Hormone types of breast cancer in women. Hormone therapy decreases the levels of estrogen and progesterone, causing side effects that are similar to the symptoms of menopause Although the side effects of hormone therapy is both men and women usually disappear when treatment ends, hormone therapy is typically given for a long period of time. This means that a side effect may be experienced for many months or years.

Side Effects For Men

Hot flashes
Constipation or diarrhea
Dizziness, headache
Trouble Sleeping
Impotency, decreased sex drive
Weight gain
Increased risk of blood clot

Side effects for Women

Hot Flashes
Vaginal discharge and irritation
Joint pain
Muscle aches
Increased risk of bone fracture
Increased risk of blood clot
Cancer of the uterus
Bone loss (Osteopenia)

Targeted Biologic Therapy

Targeted therapy is the use of drugs or biologic substances that stop or slow cancer growth by interfering with specific molecules in the body involved in the process of creating cancer cells, Because targeted therapy is designed to attack specific cells, it is less harmful to normal cells than traditional chemotherapy. However some side effects may occur. As with hormone therapy targeted therapy may last for long period of time, so even short-term effects may be present for many months. Targeted therapy is the newest approach to treating cancer, and not enough information has been collected to clearly understand late effects.

Side Effects of Targeted Biologic therapy

Acne like rash
Flu like syndrome
Increased risk of infection
Dry, itchy skin
Slow-growing, brittle hair
Mouth sores
Increased risk of blood clot
Increases infection
High Blood Pressure

Importance of learning about side effects

It is not possible to predict how each individual will be affected by cancer treatment, but talking with your healthcare team can better prepare you for what may happen. This guide will help you learn more about side effects, how they can be managed, and how to talk to your doctor about them. It provides an overview of the most common cancer treatment related side effects and includes lists of resources to help you find more information. Learn as much as you can. Knowing what to expect and how to help prevent or manage side effects can help you feel in control  of your body, improve your quality of life, and most important , ensure that you have the best chance for treatment to be effective.

Additional sources of information

American cancer society
www.cancer.org - Symptoms and Side effects

American Society of Clinical Oncology Patient Web site
www.cancer.net - Managing Side Effects

By My Side


National Cancer Institute
www.cancer.gov - Coping with cancer


Oncology Nursing Society