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Saturday, June 29, 2013

CTH at Seminar Arranged by Asharya

Summary of   Talk at the Seminar
CTH was invited in Seminar arranged by Ashraya. Mamata and Padma have taken all the responsibility on their own shoulders. They along with technical help from Nagesh presented CTH in the seminar, which generated lot of interest among the large group of audience. Please read more at our Blog site :

 Some members of CTH attended a seminar, hosted by Ashraya at Bangalore International Centre on Saturday the 22nd June,2013.
The aim of the Seminar was:
To provide exposure and learning  on innovative approach to dealing with cancer and mental illness.
Need to sensitize the medical staff on the vulnerability of the patients.
To network with self help and support groups working with the cancer patients.
To understand the law on the right of cancer patients .
These were some of the issues discussed and the speakers were:
Dr. Ajay Kumar-M.D- HCG—who stressed on the financial constraints bothering  the cancer patients and the need for quality care, He also placed importance on early detection which will cut down treatment time and also cost, to long drawn procedure treating patients who are in later stages.
Dr. Nomita Chandy –Founder of Ashraya-herself a cancer warrior spoke of the aim of the seminar in exhorting doctors to treat patients as a person and not look through them while discussing the treatment modalities. She spoke about her experience as a patient, and how she felt being treated (even thought she is a doctor) as a non-thinking person and her feelings at not being consulted in the planning of the protocol. There was pain in her voice as she recounted her experience of being discounted as a functional adult.
Dr.Brinda Seetharam – Psycho Oncologist-Founder of Coper-an organization providing Psycho- oncological care, spoke on the necessity of training in this field. She supported her statement by facts and figures and also mentioned the paucity of trained personnel to help the increasing number of people affected by cancer.
Dr.Uttara Vidya Sagar – Founder of Viswas Counselling Centre and Viveka – spoke on the impact on the family of those person suffering with chronic illness. She also spoke about the need for support at primary level (CTH).
Mr.Randhawa – CEO-Karunashraya- stressed on the need for sensitive communication involving tone, body language and particularly eye contact. ( We need to keep these in mind).
Padma Mahadev & Mamatha Shetty spoke about the work of CTH and mamatha spoke about her experience as a cancer patient and her strong will poser which helped her to take charge of her treatment.
Outcome of our talk – CTH was made known to more people. Our work touched many and Dr.Brinda assured us that she’ll send us patients and we could also do the same. We emphasized that our counseling is at grass root level and definitely we will be sending people in acute distress to experts.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see the info on "CTH at Seminar Arranged by Asharya" and i also participated in the same seminar with my papers How to overcome depression
